Xie, Jiaxin (谢家新)
About me
I was born in Mishi Town (弥市镇), Hubei Province, China, a remote small village blessed with abundant rivers and lakes.
BSc (2012) from Hunan University, China, majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics;
PhD (2017) also from Hunan University, working on Compressed Sensing and Sparse Optimization
under the supervision of Prof. Anping Liao;
Postdoctoral Fellow (July 2017-June 2019), Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences,
Chinese Academy of Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Zhiqiang Xu,
focusing on Interlacing Families, Graph Sparsication, and Subset Selection.
I was a Research Fellow in Department of Applied Mathematics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
from November 2023 to January 2024,
under the mentorship of Prof. Hou-Duo Qi.
I am currently an associate professor at School of Mathematical Sciences, Beihang University.
Research interests
I am currently working on randomized iterative method, such as the randomized Kaczmarz method, stochastic conjugate gradient,
and momentum acceleration. I am also interested in subset selection for matrices by using the method of interlacing families and barrier function.
A simple linear convergence analysis of the reshuffling Kaczmarz method,
with Deren Han, arXiv:2410.01140, 2024.
On adaptive stochastic extended iterative methods for solving least squares,
with Yun Zeng, Deren Han, and Yansheng Su,
arXiv:2405.19044, 2024.
Randomized iterative methods for generalized absolute value equations:
Solvability and error bounds,
with Houduo Qi and Deren Han, arXiv: 2405.04091, 2024
Fast stochastic dual coordinate
descent algorithms for linearly constrained convex optimization,
with Yun Zeng, Deren Han, and Yansheng Su, arXiv: 2307.16702, 2023
On the convergence analysis of the greedy randomized Kaczmarz method, with Yansheng Su, Deren Han, and Yun Zeng, arXiv: 2307.01988 , 2023
A greedy randomized average block projection method for linear feasibility problems, with Lin Zhu and Yuan Lei, arXiv:2211.10331, 2022.
On pseudoinverse-free randomized methods for linear systems: Unified framework and acceleration, with Deren Han, arXiv:2208.05437
A distributed Douglas-Rachford splitting method for solving linear constrained multi-block nonconvex problems,
with Leyu Hu, Xingju Cai, and Deren Han, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Doi: 10.3934/ipi.2024048, 2024.
On greedy multi-step inertial randomized Kaczmarz method for solving linear systems,
with Yansheng Su, Deren Han, and Yun Zeng, Calcolo, 61, 68, 2024.
On adaptive stochastic heavy ball momentum for solving linear systems, with Yun Zeng, Deren Han, and Yansheng Su,
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 45(3), 1259-1286, 2024. [code]
Randomized Douglas-Rachford method for linear systems: Improved accuracy and efficiency,
with Deren Han and Yansheng Su, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 34 (1), 1045-1070, 2024.
Randomized Kaczmarz method with adaptive stepsizes for inconsistent linear systems,
with Yun Zeng, Deren Han, and Yansheng Su, Numerical Algorithms, 94, 1403–1420 (2023).
The sequential quadratic programming for symmetric pareto eigenvalue complementarity problem,
with Lin Zhu and Yuan Lei, Pacific Journal of Optimization, 19(4): 579-606, 2023.
Graph Sparsification by Universal Greedy Algorithms,
with Ming-Jun Lai and Zhiqiang Xu, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 41 (2023), pp. 741-770.
Upper and lower bounds for matrix discrepancy,
with Zhiqiang Xu and Ziheng Zhu, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 28, 81 (2022)
Subset Selection for Matrices with Fixed Blocks,
with Zhiqiang Xu, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 245, 1 (2021)
A symmetric alternating minimization algorithm for total variation minimization,
with Yuan Lei, Signal Processing, 176, 107673, 2020.
Positive operators on extended second order cones,
with Sándor Németh and Guohan Zhang, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 160, 390–404 (2020)
On inexact ADMMs with relative error criteria,
Computational Optimization and Applications, 2018, 71(3): 743-765
A new accelerated alternating minimization method for analysis sparse recovery,
with Anping Liao and Yuan Lei, Signal Processing, 2018, 145: 167-174.
A remark on joint sparse recovery with OMP algorithm under restricted isometry property,
with Xiaobo Yang and Anping Liao, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, 316: 18-24.
An inexact alternating direction method of multipliers with relative error criteria,
with Anping Liao and Xiaobo Yang, Optimization Letters, 2017, 11(3): 583-596.
The exact recovery of sparse signals via orthogonal matching pursuit,
with Anping Liao, Xiaobo Yang, and Peng Wang, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2016, 34(1): 70-80.
Analysis of convergence for the alternating direction method applied to joint sparse recovery,
with Anping Liao and Xiaobo Yang, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015, 269: 548-557.
Number of Solution for the Sparse Signal Recovery Problem, with Anping Liao, Miao Yang, and Kun Shen, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2015 32(5): 643-649.
Full list of publications in Google Scholar.
Unpublsihed Technical Reports
A note on restricted invertibility with weighted columns, arXiv: 2005.01070, 2020